Search Engines are a primary source of traffic for any website. They use spiders to index your site, which in turn let’s people search for it, and there are millions of people doing searches at any time of the day. If people doing searches stumble across something they find interested linking to your site, then you just got a visitor and maybe potential client and revenue.
Manually go to each search engines website, and either type “submit link” or “submit url” and it should bring up part of the website where you can submit your link to have a spider crawl and begin indexing.
As you may or may not know, search engine companies such as Google, Yahoo or MSN advise manual website submissions to be indexed by them. Sure, automatic submissions to dozens of search engines for free is nice, but I’ve noticed in the long run you would be much better off doing it all manually, it’s definitely worth it.
As an example I will use Google for this. If you goto Google’s website, http://www.google.com/, and do a search for “submit url” or “submit link”, Google will return a submission page like this:
This here is a list, with respective URL submission pages attached, of free search engines. Now take note that some of these are in different languages, and may not be searched, but every little bit of exposure helps.
- 43n39e.ru
- Abacho.com
- About Yozilla
- Acoon.com
- Acoon.de
- Acrosscan.com
- Acuserahc.org
- Adresbul
- Ads.zhongsou
- Adurl Amfibi
- Aesop.com
- Alexa.com
- Allbetsearch.info
- Allcanseek.com
- Altavista.com
- Allusearch.net
- Allweseek.com
- Amidalla.de
- Anoox.com
- Ansearch.info
- Antya.com
- Asksearch.org
- Axxsearch.com
- Baidu.com
- Bestcitysearch.com
- Bestinternetsearch.com
- Bestnetsearch.com
- Bigfinder.com
- Bigsplash.info
- Blue.lu
- Boitho.com
- Borolook.com
- Brunie.fm
- Burf.com
- Catalog.apor
- Cavarzano.com
- Cipinet.com
- Classifon.com
- Claymont.com
- Club.hakia.com
- Computerseek.info
- Coolfishy.com
- Correctsearch.com
- Cuil.com
- Cybersearch.tk
- Dashlaunch.com
- Deepindex.com
- Digicrawl.com
- Dinosearch.com
- Dir.guruji.com
- Dotsearch.info
- Drsearch.info
- Easytosearch.com
- Ebingbong.com
- Entireweb.com
- Etracking.net
- Exactseek.com
- Exaled.com
- Exopple.com
- Famhoo.com
- Fastbot.de
- Finalsearch.org
- Findonce.co.uk
- Findpath.org
- Find-portal.net
- Findsimilarpages.com
- Findthewebsite.com
- Findthis.net
- Findyoursearch.net
- Findzilla.org
- Fitterbitter.com
- Foovy.com
- Fybersearch.com
- Getosearch.com
- Gogo.ru
- Gokoole.com
- Google.com
- Hamo-search.com
- Helpyoursearch.info
- Hipflip.net
- Hiseek.info
- Homebusinessdatacenter.com
- Homerweb.com
- Hotsiresearch.info
- Hypnosearch.org
- Iask.com
- Iconnic.com
- Idofind.com
- Ifernatix.xom
- Igwanna.com
- Ineedsearch.com
- Infotiger.com
- Intelseek.com
- Jdgo.com
- Jungle-spinder.de
- Klikpoint.com
- Knoole.com
- Kobala.nl
- Lexxe.com
- Lightningsearch.info
- Localsearchengine.info
- Megaglobe.com
- Metasearchlive.info
- Microseek.info
- Mixcat.com
- Morewebsearch.info
- Motacrawler.com
- Mouse-click.de
- MSN.com
- Mycocoland.com
- Mysearchpilot.com
- Navisso.com
- Netsearch.org
- Nigma.ru
- Officialsearch.com
- Onesearchnation.com
- Oneseek.com
- Oriango.com
- Peaksearch.info
- Primesearchresult.com
- Querybit.com
- Rapidcrawl.com
- Reallybigsearch.com
- Refreshline.com
- Remote-search.net
- Saearchbell.info
- Scrubtheweb.com
- Search.ch
- Search.live.com
- Search.seznam.com
- Search-blast.info
- Searchbox.info
- Searchengine.com
- Searcheniginexxx.com
- Searchhippo.com
- Searchii.com
- Searchingguru.info
- Searchingportal.info
- Searchit.com
- Searchitguide.info
- Searchme.com
- Search-mind.net
- Search-o-rama.com
- Searchquick.info
- Searchrap.com
- Searchsight.com
- Seeknet.pl
- Semager.de
- Shazee.com
- Shoula.com
- Sitefind.biz
- Slyseek.com
- Smartsearchguide.com
- Sonicrun.com
- Sparkleberry.info
- Spongelink.com
- Stopdog.com
- Submit2.enteruk.co.uk
- Surfersearch.org
- Susysearch.com
- Sweetsearch.org
- Teetertotter.com
- Textbillboards.com
- Theoriginalsearhengine.com
- Thinkseek.info
- Throseek.com
- Thunderseek.info
- Topica.de
- Towersearch.com
- Ubexact.com
- Vmgo.com
- Vroosh.net
- W8.net Search
- Walhello.com
- Wawiz.com
- Web.meta.ua
- Webmaster.yandex.ru
- Webmaster-tools.com
- Webofant.ch
- Webportalguide.com
- Webquash.com
- Wedoo.com
- Whatuseek.com
- Worldseek.info
- Wowseek.info
- Xalo.vn
- Xoole.com
- Yahoo.com
- Yourreply.net
- Yuppysearch.com
- Zoohoo.sk
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