It is also important that the content where you are linked to is similar to the subject of your site. If, for example your site is about the sport cars it is senseless to be linked to the site about the gardening. Also try to link to the sites with the high page rank, such links will influence more on the page rank of your own site.
1. Article submission
Article writing is the most important step for the development of your online business. Write articles on the topic of your site or your business and regularly submit them to the article submission sites. Usually these sites don’t allow links in the body of the articles, that’s why you need to write few words about you and your site/business including one or two links to your site. The best way is to add a link with the anchor text if the article directory allows HTML. The anchor text may be a keyword for your site that will appear in the resource box. You can change the keyword in the anchor text each time you submit a new article. When your article submission is approved by the directory, you will have one more link to your site and a potential for the targeted traffic coming from the readers of the article.
2. Link directories
In order to get many backinks you can start by submitting your site URL to the multiple link directories. You can type in Google ’submit link’ or ’submit URL’ and the search engine will show you thousands of the sites where you can add a link to your site for free or a small payment for the featured submission. You can do it manually or use the service for the automatic submission to the hundreds of directories. Whatever method you choose, do it. In some of the directories your link will live forever.
3. Forum posting
Google some forums on the subject of your site and post comments adding your site link in the signature. Most of the forums allow it. While editing your signature, publish your link with an anchor text, as you did in the article submission. Each post that you make will have a link to your site and can be also found by the anchor text in the search results. Note that when you post in forum try to contribute into the conversations and don’t spam. If you leave smart posts people will respect you and may wish to follow your link and visit your site. Regular posting in different forums will provide your site with a good number of backlinks and some targeted traffic.
4. Comments writing
Another proven way to get backlinks to your site is leaving the comments in the blogs. Searching the web, you can find thousands of blogs on the subject of your site. Visit them, read the reviews and articles and leave your comments with the links to your site. Notice that the blog owners are usually looking through the comments that the visitors leave and delete irrelevant ones and spam. Be sure that your comments are up to the question and compliment to the blogs, so that the blog masters would like to leave it.
5. Press releases
A press release is an announcement about something new that you want to share with the audience. You can write it about your new website or a product. Press release writing is similar to the article writing, but you must follow the different style as it is targeted for the different media. The easiest way is to rewrite one of your articles for the press release adding a link to your site in the body text. When doing it, think that it may appear on the first page of the New York Times and must fit it. It will help you make it sound like an announcement or news. Once you have completed your press release, it is time to submit it to the press release submission websites.
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